With us,
consulting is different.
We’re black-led and employee-owned, and we're building the most diverse, trusted, and sustainable boutique firm in management consulting. We have a deep and abiding commitment to all people and our planet.
Being black-led isn’t just about our identity, it’s about our approach. We join in the time-honored pursuit of black excellence in business. We honor the legacy of black pioneers in management consulting. And we build on this strong foundation, moving forward with our own vision and aspirations for the future.
Being employee-owned means we have an unmatched commitment to our team. It’s not just partners that share in the wealth of the firm. This opportunity is open to our analysts, associates, and support staff. As an employee-owned collective, each of us is deeply invested in our work and in the value we create for our clients. This structure gives us the incentive to build a thriving firm and sustain a seasoned cadre of wise and expert consultants that deliver superior solutions to those we serve.
Being boutique allows us to lead with agility. As a small firm, we’re nimble and adaptive. We respond to market dynamics and current realities. Better than cookie-cutter techniques, we pivot our approach and tailor our models to meet the needs of our clients and maximize their value.
Our commitment to all people and the planet means we hire like no one else in the business, and we donate to those working toward the betterment of the world. When it comes to hiring, we celebrate the uniqueness of every person and their background. We look high and low for the best talent, choosing potential over pedigree. When it comes to our commitment to the planet, we go beyond employee matching of charitable donations. Our team plays a hands-on role choosing organizations and causes they believe the firm should invest in and establish long-term partnerships with in our collective efforts to build a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
A diverse, distributed team at work for you
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