
“Of all the factors that go into the creation of long-term value, talent is the most important.” 

Our People practice supports each element of the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to retirement. We partner with you to attract, retain, develop, and reward your people in ways that no other organization can.


Talent is everywhere. Yet the right talent is hard to find. What do they want from work? What are they seeking? What do they expect? We help you answer these questions and tailor the way you source, acquire, and onboard talent in service to your broader strategy.

Some of the ways we can help you create value

  • Crafting a talent strategy that delivers on the skills and capabilities you need to achieve your broader strategy
  • Developing a plan for sourcing, acquiring, and onboarding talent
  • Crafting a compelling employee value proposition and communications to attract the best talent
  • Setting up systems to assess progress and measure the impact of your talent acquisition efforts


What gets people in the door isn’t always what makes them stay. Different groups of employees will want (and need) different things. Retention is the art and science of figuring out what those things are and delivering them.

Some of the ways we can help you create value

  • Launching employee listening programs and designing systems of continuous feedback
  • Examining employee sentiment and identifying moments that matter
  • Crafting policies, processes, practices, and procedures that reflect your organization culture and values
  • Addressing the root cause of turnover
  • Rethinking business and operational models


More than anything else, employees want to learn and grow at work. They want to expand their minds and their skill sets. They want to develop new capacities.

Yet true learning is often out of reach for most employees. They may have access to one-off workshops or an annual motivational speaker. But the learning from these experiences fades fast.

What employees want — and what organizations need — are systems of learning. Learning as a mode of operation. They need programs that mirror their everyday experience. They need to practice the skills that will help them succeed in their current role even as they aspire to what’s next.

We partner with clients to craft systems of learning tailored that meet their current needs and align with their vision for the future.

Some of the ways we can help you create value

  • Launching a tailored leadership development program
  • Cultivating a culture defined by systems of learning
  • Building skills and capacities around key issues and capabilities


Recognition goes beyond rewards. It’s not just about pay. It’s not about bonuses or benefits either. Those things help. But what people truly want is to be seen, heard, valued, and known at work. We help you honor the contributions of your people in ways that meet their internal and external needs.

Some of the ways we can help you create value

  • Assessing and developing compensation philosophy, policies, and practices
  • Conducting total rewards review and analysis
  • Developing employee recognition programs

Meet your team

Paul B. Tucker
Founder & Managing Partner

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